ClustrMaps - Visitors to "Los JOP" blog

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Magnum opus

Actually it's just an idea I've had for a while - call it the "Where are my friends" project - to show with points, on an interactive map, where on the face of the earth are to be found my friends (well, since many of you have wanderlust let's say to show "where you live mostly").

I've finally found an easy-to-use, web-based, free and almost fun application, a sort of DIY map, which seems to work OK. Take a look at their samples at

I started working on this last night and I've only just added a very small set of buddies in Europe, USA and Japan - but it looks promising. As soon as I have a viable, visible web-available version I'll let everyone know via a post on here.

(Oh, if you think I may not have your current, correct home address please e-mail it to me - if you know your latitude/longitude in decimal send that too and make my life easier!)

FLASH: Just looked out the window (around 11PM) to see this surprise snow storm - unusually fierce for Paris. The view is from our window looking east (towards avenue Général Leclerc).

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