We marching,this afternoon, in the big
manifestation unitaire starting from Bastille at 3pm.
UPDATE: I was met by Dominique, Jacques, Winky and Joel on the steps of the
Opéra to take part in what, for me, turned out to be a rather lackluster "manif" - fewer people than I'd expected and a low "energy level" (maybe because most of us were over 50? Alas, lost youth!) - after a couple of hours of start-stop marching we stopped to have drinks at a bistro near
Saint-Sebastien - Froissart then we dispersed.
For dinner at home we had Myriam (back from visiting her friend in
Puy-de-Dôme), Fanchette (who's responding well to her treatments), Florence (who showed up with a stapler a patient's little boy had taken apart - we had fun figuring out how to put it back together - good idea for a party game) and also Benjamin came over (after a week in Korea).

Benj was kind enough to bring us a bottle of Dong Dong Ju (in its charming
plastic bottle). Dong Dong Ju is a rustic rice wine (emphasis on the "rustic"). It's milky white and a little bit sweet, but not too sweet. Benj tells me they usually serve it up in big bowls, which you then ladle into smaller bowls for drinking. It's not that strong, really, but if you drink a lot of it then it supposedly gives you a warm and happy buzz with just a little bit of CRAZY thrown in. I didn't know better so I had brought out tiny shot glasses to serve us - next time BOWLS!
We had a nice discussion over coffee (OK, OK and more Dong Dong Ju!) about cremation and
disposing of ashes in France. Also the rights of burying someone on your own property. How'd we end up on
those topics? Maybe I'll hold off on those bowls for the DDJ!