Went over to Sylvie's place in the 5th to help get her Internet (noos) connection working on her laptop. She invited me over to the nearby The Long Hop pub for a refreshing beer on the sidewalk sun-splashed terrace. I sprung for the amusingly named
Nobby's Nuts (no serious beer-drinker, like myself, would normally indulge - especially when having a
Beamish - in plebian fare such as
nuts, but we were both sort of bushwacked by the high alcohol content and the strong sun).
Later Denis showed up and we walked over towards
Ile Saint-Louis where we sat ourselves down on the
bridge and listened to two excellent street musicians belt out some righteous jazzy tunes. I called Catherine P. from there (with a bossa nova background track) to wish her a happy birthday (
donc, Joyeaux Anniversaire, Catherine!).
Back to Sylvie's (still in MAJOR renovation mode) where Rob joined us for some wine, it being apéro-time (
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