In expectation
(1) of tomorrow's nationwide strike and demonstrations (and perhaps De Villepin's
Götterdämmerung) we are off to the theater tonight: Marie's daughter
Félice is part of the cast in "
Sainte Jeanne des abattoirs" by
Bertolt Brecht. I'm looking forward to seeing the play. What seems clear is that France has reached an impasse regarding the CPE. Which way out?
UPDATE: Brecht's play,
"Saint Joan of the Stockyards" (in part about labor strife in Chicago), written in 1929, holds up surprisingly well 77 years later - especially the capitalism/religion connection. This version, although a bit longish and sluggish at times, has a number of clever staging ideas (mmm, smell that grilled steak) and, overall, very good acting. If you're in town drop by the Théâtre du Nord-Ouest (13 rue du Faubourg-Montmartre - Paris IXe) to see it.
(1) "Je vécus parmi les hommes au temps de la révolte. Et je m'insurgeai avec eux."
"Dialectiser, c'est extraire la dimension politique de toute chose."
- Bertolt Brecht
1 comment:
Intrigued by your Paris persona on Classmates.Com, I am thrilled to see the details!
Love it--email me from Classmates if you feel like it--
Living la vida loca (hahahaha)in San Jose, CA--
Jane Bator from St. Mary's
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