We arranged to meet Lowry at Shakespeare and Company bookstore from whence we walked over to Le Saint Severin (next to the fine church of the same name) where we had coffee and some wonderful conversation - we decided to stay for lunch and afterwards went strolling together around the 5th arrondissement. We ended up in front of the photo expo (Est-ce ainsi que les hommes vivent ?) at the Luxembourg gardens. We parted ways there as we had a dinner with our friends, the Texidors, and Lowry was off to a dinner with the best known ex-pat in Paris, Jim Haynes.
We picked up Odile's mother,Myriam, at her place and the three of us trundled over in the rain to dinner with Guy & Arleni and their friend, Blandine (a back-to-the-country Parisian ,now living, with numerous goats, sheep, cows and some horses, in the Ardèche). Arleni made a SUPERB chapon - my first ever! I finished off dinner with a snifter of Pampero Ron Anejo Aniversario.
An excellent day.
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