José and Odile - News (random, episodic and invariably incomplete) of our doings ... in Paris and elsewhere. YOUR comments are appreciated. Visit my professional blog (Change, Innovation, Facilitation) too - see LINKS section!
Check out my profile!
According to tradition in France, one can send one's wishes for a happy new year right up until the last day of January. What a break for us procrastinators!
So here, from both Odile and myself, we send (finally) all our BEST WISHES to you, faithful Readers and dear Friends.
May 2009 be full of love, peace and fun for you and yours.
It's my party! Well, in any case we're celebrating (with a little c) my birthday today by having a really nice meal "en tête à tête", just me and my Odilta ... and when I say really nice I mean really nice because we're having truffles (like those beauties on the left).
Thanks to our friends Jean-Philippe and Virginie who gave us this marvelous gift of truffles. Stay tuned for what we did with them (and send me your recipes).
UPDATE: Finally the truffles are still unused as we ended up going out for lunch at La Commedia and then dinner at Le Godet d'Or (also called the Godet d'Art - but which we refer to as "Jimmy La Watt" - the name of the highly original owner).
UPDATE2: I want to thank Levni Yilmaz for posting an entry on facebook , and for allowing me to embed his work here on my blog. It is called "Youth & Aging" from his continuing Tales Of Mere Existence. That it showed up on my birthday is just more of a kick! Enjoy...
We spent a good part of this afternoon (in two sessions on either side of my 20K training run) "repatriating" boxes of (heavy) books from Virginie's basement to our apartment. About 40 boxes (thanks for the help Benj!) ... now Odile needs to unpack and arrange them (almost 99% her books).
After teaching all morning (a quite fast-paced EIS workshop with 17 B2B students of the Lyon IAE - all very participative) I am now posting from the Bibliothèque de la Part-Dieu (just across the street from the train station) - a modern, accessible facility where I have been able to work comfortably this afternoon - and also take in a fine expo, of photos by Raymond Depardon, entitled "Villes" (Cities - 12 worldwide, from Tokyo to Paris, from Dubaï to Addis Abbaba) . I'm taking the TGV at 7pm for "ma ville" - quiet dinner at home with Odile around 9:30pm. I'll be back for session 2 with these same students next Wednesday.
I'm off to Lyon from noon today until 9pm Thursday - teaching a class on Change Management at the IAE of the Université Lyon III (my fourth year). More news as things unfold. A prize to the first reader to add a comment correctly identifying the photo at left!
Dear Readers - Happy New Year 2009 (we're been away at Montigny, busy celebrating and handling the cold [that's a photo at left of the Lion at Denfert-Rocherau shivering in our Siberian weather of late] - so blogging less).
I'm back to training for a marathon (Rome on March 22) - more news about that later. I have some translation projects coming up and will also be teaching at Lyon this month and next - plus sandwiching in a week-long trip to Switzerland late this month. More about all that too in good time.
Hopefully I'll see more of those of you who are far-flung (at least flung far from me) - don't know how, don't know when ... but got the feeling 2009 will pick up in the visits to Paris category (hey, a good way to escape the crisis).