After our sleep-over at
Jean-Philippe and Virginie's wonderful place here in Nyons (more info
here and
here about the town) we are off to visit the local market then driving to Uzès.
UPDATE: After a very nice visit of the marché we stopped for beer/wine and pizza at Le Café du Centre then returned and packed up to depart.
We headed south-west from Nyons on the D94, which follows the valley of the Eygues. About 6 km from the town, the village of Vinsobres sits above the road. This is one of the the 16 villages that have earned the Côtes-du-Rhône Villages appellation, so its wines can be labelled ’Côtes du Rhône Vinsobres AOC’.
The Domaine du Coriançon is on the main road a couple of kilometres before you reach the left turn for Mirabel-aux-Baronnies (where Jean-Philipe has his atelier) and then the right turn for the village - there we picked up a cubit of red wine to share with our friends in Uzès.
We arrived in Uzès after a watrering hole stop ;-) at l'Authentique in the town of Saint Siffret. Then off to Jean-Yves where we off-loaded and almost immediately headed off to dinner at les Caves de Collias run by our friends Anne-Marie and Christian. We were joined by an old local friend, René, and 2 new (to me) friends, Michel (who runs Wattson) and Corinne. Great crêpes and a heated discussion (sparked by Michel) about "foreigners" ruining the towns of Provence.