ClustrMaps - Visitors to "Los JOP" blog

Friday, December 21, 2007

Paris as I like it...

A rare day "off" during the week with a visit to the Courbet expo (all delightful: portraits, nudes, hunt scenes - I loved it all except for his seascapes). Followed with a late lunch at a nearby bistro, leWeekend and then a stop at Fauchon's.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

20,000 feux sous Montmartre

Finally feeling a bit better after that nasty cold that got hold of me last week ... so heading up to Denis' place in Montmartre this evening - in the photos a view of rue des Abbesses which is nicely decorated for the holidays.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Révolution Corse

Vous pouvez regarder la vidéo du JT de TF1 sur la Révolution Corse, ici : http://videos. media/jt/ 0,,3648367, 00-revolution- corse-consacre- pascal-paoli- .html

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Death of French Culture?

Today I came across the TIME article (Europe Edition) and the various replies it has elicited.

The best insight I read was the following witty equation concerning USAmericans' (not all, of course) view of French culture ... "if it could be reduced to an algebraic formula, it would be: De Gaulle + Sartre + baguette + Sophie Marceau's breasts = the culture of France".

Me? I can't decide between going out for dinner (cheeseburger) or ordering in (pizza) ... in either case a nice glass of rouge!

Let me know what you think ... and if you come up with your own formulation.

Oh, if you need some insipiration here's a quick graphic I just put together:

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Bob ... the ChangeMaster

Just a quick test (with my current work project) of one of hundreds of "generators", this one is the "Bob Dylan Message Generator". If you want to see more of them go to: or ... good generating!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Concierto y Practica ... Juanca

Tonight Juan Carlos, our dear friend, is playing at La Fonderie (15 rue Basfroi, 75011 - Métro Voltaire. We'll be there with Florence and Alain (but ¡Caramba! unfortunatley not Christine who filmed Juanca last time).
Come on by if superb superb music from Argentina is your cuppa.

UPDATE: Post-concert notes ... it was more than superb! Juanca was joined by Rudi Flores, a magnificent guitarist, and together they took us all on a musical voyage of La Plata.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

¿Cuánto vale mi blog?

Dear Readers:

Below (per Technocrati ranking) is the value of this blog. Help! I am sure it is worth more to ME (not all can be reduced to money) and I want to know that it has some value for you (who stop here now and then). So ... please leave your comments to encourage me to continue (and tell me what else I should be adding). Thanks.

¿Cuánto vale mi blog?

Este blog vale
€ 34.83
(US$ 24.53)
Ranking: 4446976

Tasar mi blog

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and Cubo Rojo

Thursday, November 29, 2007

My goatee...

I've had a fairly packed and busy November hence the lack of posts here. Seems like the only personal item I can, quickly, report here is my growing of a goatee ... I'll post a photo in a week or so since, for now, it looks a tad ratty.

For info the month has seen a heavy workload with the ChangeMasters project, the 10 days of transports strikes (which really made it difficult to get about), plus visits from near-family, friends and (future) clients from Puerto Rico, Washington DC, Seattle (ish) and southern France.

Friday, November 09, 2007


Just like last September 21 ... more of us though (8 to 9) - we're reserved a table tonight so if any of you want to come just alert me.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

How much do you earn?

Today I came across this site that purports to show you how much you earn interactively and real-time "as you look at this page you have earned" (and also posts per day, per hour, per minute, and even per second ... I don't actually "earn anything per second ... or rather it must be fractional cents for me!)

Take a look and pst here what you think ... a nice way to get our focus off of money actually and on to results ;-)

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

How far will you go to make your dreams come true?

Tonight we joined Denis, Hélios and Regina at Studio 28 for the avant-première of Woody Allen's latest film, Cassandra's Dream. If you don't have an answer to the question above then go see this movie ... and it's OK if you laugh ;-)

Incidentally, this was my first time to Studio 28 and it is quite a nice neighborhood cinema with very good champagne available at their bar. If you are in Paris and have never been I certainly suggest you stop by. Cheers!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Gui back in town ;-)

A nice surprise to see Gui back in town (and we're all having dinner together later). He was nice enough to gift us with another of his CDs, this one is "Live at Montreux" - one of his more ambitious outing ... and we love it!

You can listen to excepts here.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Paris ... jazzy

Some Paris strolling this afternoon and then joining Evelyne at the Jazz Cartoon cabaret to hear her new friend's warblings. Come on by if you're free ;-)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Lyon in music

I got a ride down to Lyon with Jean-Nöel yesterday since there is a massive, nationwide train strike since last night until mid-day tomorrow. I am teaching all day tomorrow at the IAE and, hopefully, my 8pm train back to Paris will be operating.

Tonight Bizet's "Les 8 mouvements de l'Arlésienne" (the music of the melodrama based on Daudet's short story in the book at left) performed by l'Orchestre de Lyon 3 right here on campus.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Wine Harvest Fireworks

I flew back from Toulouse tonight and then we went up to Montmartre to see our Brazilian friends and lucked out to see (up real close and personal) the annual fireworks for "la fête des vendanges" from Hélios' apartment (just below on the east side of Sacre Coeur - right side of the photo, just where you see the two lights).

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Nuit Blanche N° 6

Tonight, from dusk until dawn tomorrow, the sixth annual "White Night" in Paris with over 150 artists with installations, performances, etc. all around town (new this year: a more "centralized" trajectory that follows the Métro line 14).

I know many friends will be out there wandering about all night - I, myself, will probably start around 8:30pm when they "set fire" to the Tuileries.

Let me know, dear Readers, if you plan to be there (for those far away you can participate, too ... via Second Life, just teleport your avatar to "Second Night"). So, see you there ... or there!

UPDATE: I went with Odile's sister to see the "2,000 points of lights" that were set along the central alley of the Tuileries Gardens. Really magique! Afterwards we walked to the Louvre, open free until almost midnight, and quite suprisingly fairly devoid of crowds, to admire the Mona Lisa and other works of the Italian artists of the period. Afterwards a nice dinner nearby at the Saint Honoré Café (with the French rugby win for dessert).

Friday, September 21, 2007

Juanca does his stuff!

Tonight our fine friend Juan Carlos Ross sings and plays guitar (Latin American music) from 9pm at « La Parrilla » located at 21 ter, rue Voltaire 75011 Paris. We'll be there early chowing down on the excellent Argentine steaks so, if you're free, think about joining us. Hasta pronto!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Couch-to-5K ... then 5K to ???

I've come to the end of my eight weeks of the Couch-to-5K Running Plan. I haven't lost a ton of weight (but my records show that since July 17, when I started, I have since shed about one and a half kilos or 3.3 lbs) but I do feel more energy and, overall, better and more positive (thank you endorphins).

Anyway, what I'm asking you, dear Reader, is to give me your advice, insights, ideas on how to continue! Just add your comments (plus links to useful info) and I will be grateful (and will think of YOU when I run). Thanks, Gracias, Merci.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

100% Myriam

Unlike yesterday's expo tonight we have the vernissage of Myriam's retrospective at the FIAP in Paris with the opening in music tonight - Wednesday, September 19th, 2007 - around 7pm.

Paintings, drawings and stain-glass works - over 70 different items - so feel free to come if you are in town (even if we missed sending you an invite) ... just ask for me at the door ("José sent me").

UPDATE: A rollicking fun time post-expo at Raspail where a highly diverse group (French, Swiss, Brazilian, Argentine, American, German ... ane one Puerto Rican) shared a wonderful time together.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Salon des arts

Vernissage tonight for the annual 14th arrondissement's art fair with over 300 artists from this municipal borough showing.

Myriam, my mother-in-law, is one of those on view (in the main hall). Drop by if you are in town as the expo runs until September 23 ... there is a "pot" around 8pm (usually the mayor springs for champagne so see you there mayhaps).

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Slow Food

Lots to choose from today in Paris: Techno Parade, European Heritage Days, CinémAligre and Slow Food Day. I opted for the latter when I discovered that rather than having to get over to Bastille I could participate at the nearbyCharles-Victor restaurant (and go with Odile, Anna, Benjamin and Alison). It was great (potatoes served five ways) and we will probably join. You might want to see if there is a chapter near you ... and go slow!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Opening: Arestakes Art Gallery

Late this afternoon (after I drop by the Baron Rouge) a number of us are going to the opening cocktail of a new gallery (just next to Sylvie's place).

Come one, come all (map again) - there is also going to be a three artists' vernissage (including some interesting paintings of Tibet).

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Harvest Party (grape-picking)

I'm off to the annual "vendange" at Melac in the 11th arrondissement (42 rue Léon Frot).

In the photo here you can make out the grape vines hanging off the front of the restaurant and ready to harvest.

Drop by this afternoon and join in the fun - here is a map, even!

UPDATE: I had a great time - music, socks (ask if you must) and a nice bottle of red wine (luckily Denis showed up to hel me drain it). See you next year for the 29th annual party (always the second Saturday of September).

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Market Day

We popped up from our GHO (Garrigue HideOut) to Uzès in a nice (and shaky) CV2 convertible, not unlike the photo at left, for the big (and terribly crowded) Saturday market - called "the most beautiful market in France" by Jean-Pierre Coffe (click here to see more about it).

Off to Aix en Provence later today to spend a couple of days at our friend Franco's place at the Château Maigre (see map).

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Calu !

In the Provençal language "calu" means "crazy, nuts" - see here for more. Ans with that as an introduction ...

Late start after yesterday's late night at Collias (rather "calu") but nonetheless a brisk mid-day hike into Uzès with Alain whence we did the round of bistros and bars in the town: Au Suisse d'Alger (rosé wine), Aux Amis (pastis x 2) then ending up at La Muscade (pastis x 3) where we ran into Tanguy (planning to pick grapes in Champagen next month) and where Jean-Yves joined us to drive us back to chez lui for lunch (with an excellent bottle of Les Garrigues 2005 from Domaine Richaud see here and here and here - and to boot Marcel is a buddy of Alain) and listening to the warbling of the 3-woman group Au Revoir Simone. Paradise!

Friday, August 10, 2007

We did an afternoon round-trip from Uzès up to Saint-André-de-Valborgne in Jean-Jacques' 1947 Dodge convertible with Jean-Yves at the wheel, Odile riding shotgun and Roden (formerly Chantal), Nicolas and myself jammed into the back seat at the mercy of the winds! This is the kind of thing (160 kilometers RT of winding mountain roads to pick up some suasage) that one does when on vacation - time is of less consequence and being together having a ball is a good enough reason to do wacky things.

The evening saw us stopping by Carole the bio-wine gal's place at Bourdic then all meeting again at J-Ys place for a nice (and late-ending - around 5am!) BBQ dinner and major "find my favorite tune" hijinks (via, give it a try yourself!)

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Nyons -> Uzès

After our sleep-over at Jean-Philippe and Virginie's wonderful place here in Nyons (more info here and here about the town) we are off to visit the local market then driving to Uzès.

UPDATE: After a very nice visit of the marché we stopped for beer/wine and pizza at Le Café du Centre then returned and packed up to depart.

We headed south-west from Nyons on the D94, which follows the valley of the Eygues. About 6 km from the town, the village of Vinsobres sits above the road. This is one of the the 16 villages that have earned the Côtes-du-Rhône Villages appellation, so its wines can be labelled ’Côtes du Rhône Vinsobres AOC’.

The Domaine du Coriançon is on the main road a couple of kilometres before you reach the left turn for Mirabel-aux-Baronnies (where Jean-Philipe has his atelier) and then the right turn for the village - there we picked up a cubit of red wine to share with our friends in Uzès.

We arrived in Uzès after a watrering hole stop ;-) at l'Authentique in the town of Saint Siffret. Then off to Jean-Yves where we off-loaded and almost immediately headed off to dinner at les Caves de Collias run by our friends Anne-Marie and Christian. We were joined by an old local friend, René, and 2 new (to me) friends, Michel (who runs Wattson) and Corinne. Great crêpes and a heated discussion (sparked by Michel) about "foreigners" ruining the towns of Provence.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Rock 'n' Roll!


Saturday, July 14, 2007

Fêt Nat'

A French holiday that falls on a Saturday? Guess we'll just have to party twice as hard!
Come back for a post-midnight update.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Hump-Day Dining

Denis joins us tonight for first-time visit to Aux cercles bleus for dinner. The location was formerly Ciel & Sable a suposedly excellent, but excrutiatinly slow, Japanese restaurant - we actually went once but they were out of eel and we skipped out once we noticed the cobwebs on the other diners. In any case, I noticed the changement de propriétaire sign as I was out for a noonish run (yes, I am back to running ... AND keeping it up). An update on our expereince tonight in a bit.

UPDATE: Pleasant outdoor seating in the traffic-free Place Flora Tristan (try the following, fairly cool, mapping application to see this area in 3-D at - go to 56 rue de la Sablière) and a tasty, well-presented meal by Michel - one of the two owners of this friendly, uncomplicated and new (one month old) restaurant that we recommend for an inexpensive mid-week outing.

Monday, July 09, 2007


I'm off to facilitate a workshop today at the Centre for Research in Innovation Management (CENTRIM) a research center at the University of Brighton.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Monumenta - under the wire

Location: Nef du Grand Palais - Paris
Dates : du 30 Mai 2007 au 08 Juillet 2007

As you can calculate from the dates above we *just* got over to see this magnificant expo on the last (and rainy) afternoon of its run in the impressive domed space of the Grand Palais. In a word: mind-boggling. See more about Kiefer's work here.

I liked the deconstruction, appropriation and sheer intellectuality of his work here.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Paris Cinéma

Now that work has slowed a bit I'm hoping to take advantage of this annual film festival.

UPDATE: Sylvie tipped me to Antony and the Johnsons-You Are My Sister

Friday, July 06, 2007


After a successful "green light" EC review (whew!) we stopped for a Trappist beer (and my first taste of Kriek) at the outdoor terrace of Le Roy d'Espagne right on the Baroque square called the Grand-Place or Grote Markt.

Why the cherries in Kriek?
36 Hours in Brussels

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Festival Django Reinhardt

Marie has come up from the south of France hailing the talents of Josele - so we're off to see him today at the annual Django Reinhardt Festival at Samois-sur-Seine.

UPDATE: We were underwhelmed by Niño Josele - a fine,even superb, flamenco musician, but somewhat mis-programmed for this festival - but, overall, a very good time as there were all sorts of "pick up" groups playing in the "off" areas near the stands. We plan to come back for next year's 27th annual festival!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

North to South...

Late start this morning after having slept over at Denis' Montmartre apartment. Major decompression day as it took over 5 hours to get home - due to: strolling down rue des Abbesses for my Canard Enchaîné; then a bus to Montparnasse for a quick visit to the remodeled Inno and Go Sport for new running togs - yes! I am going start running again ...and boring you all with my training; then stopped by to whistle up to Alison and invite her out from a café on rue Daguerre where we were joined by Benjamin and ran into Pascale.

Off to an art expo tonight for our friend and neighbor Eva - see her work here. More on that later.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Sans Sucre S'il Vous Plaît ...

After a very nice dinner with our friends Jacques & Dominique (at Vanves) we were walking back in the rain when, a couple of blocks from home, at Le Laurier we heard a young woman singing inside and, of course, decided to get a night cap. What a wonderful voice and attitude - her name is Pauline Paris, her CD was sold out and she's playing again soon (I'll add an update here when I know exactly where). You can hear her singing some of her songs here ... and there's a short video at the title link above. Enjoy - we did!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

French Parliamentary Elections (round 1)

Today is the first round of the French legislative elections to elect the 13th National Assembly of the Fifth Republic - 7639 candidates are standing for 577 seats, including overseas possesions of France.

We voted mid-afternoon and then ambled over to the flea-market on avenue Edgar Quinet where Odile picked up a nice chair and a necklace. I only wanted to have some churros (you can see the stand in the distance).

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

La fête des voisins

Nice turnout of our neighbors in both buildings for this year's (hastily organized) party in the courtyard for the 8th annual Fête des Voisins (formerly called " Immeubles en fête").

Old friends, "annual" friends, new neighbors ... lots of wine, snacks and talk. Our Chinese restaurant neighbor brought over piled-up plates of delicious nems. As usual the oft-repeated phrase of "we should do this more often!"

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Vernissage tonight of Claudia's sister-in-law, Julia Tiemann - works of a rare power - at times disturbing in their vision. See more here:

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Poèmes d'ici et d'ailleurs

PLANNED for this Wednesday PM. See you there?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Myriam's Vernissage

The "galerie du Montparnasse" ( 55 rue du Montparnasse in the 14th arrondissement) is showing the works of the painters Myriam Pletner and Benjamin Marques, from the 15th until the 31st May. The vernissage is tonight and we hope to see you there!

Click on the title link above for more details.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

La Nuit des Musées

The third annual "Night of Museums" takes place tonight in France and in Europe ... 2,000 museums await us for a night full of surprises... more news after our visit(s).

UPDATE: We decided to forgo the museums tonight (many friends told us it was too crowded with very long lines).

Instead we had a nice Mexican dinner at La Tipica (our first time there) just along the Canal Saint-Martin. Quite tasty (see pix in my "food" blog) and reasonably priced. Afterwards, walking to catch the night bus, we came upon Santa Sed, a Chilean restaurant, that neither of us knew - so we stopped in and stayed until about 2am! Very agreeable - the owner Carlos, who is from Santiago, is both charming and "cool".

Friday, May 18, 2007

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

¡Adios Pop!

My brother has just called (4am) to tell me our father has passed away (quickly ... from a burst aneurysm).

It is perhaps a bit brutal and too public to post this personal and painful loss, but I feel compelled to share this with you, my family, friends, visitors.

He was, especially in later years, a wonderful, poetic and loving man who had faced up to his own personal demons and challenges in a long life (he died just 5 days away from his 88th birthday). QEPD. We loved and will miss him.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Cinco de Mayo

Happy birthday to Odile's cousine and, of course, ¡Viva México! (details if you follow the title link).

Friday, May 04, 2007

Música Latinoamericana

We went to hear our good friend, Juan Carlos, tonight at a new place (for us) called "Aux Copains" ... and, indeed, a chummy, welcoming (small) café-bar run by Momo (heart of gold and hands of thunder - he joined in on drums later in the evening).

Pleasantly surprised to run into Anne B. and to meet her cousin, Etienne, who - besides keeping up the family trait of great bonhomie - is a landscape architect for the city of Paris (and knows, well, our acquaintance "Monsieur Tree").

Look for another concert by Señor Rossi next week May 12 ... I'll post some clips and photos here soon.

Afterwards we went with JCR and Florence to have dinner at a nearby Kurdish restaurant (quite good) called Mérivan.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Name that tune ...

On this day in 1792: French army officer Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle composed "La Marseillaise", the French national anthem.

For some alternative twists on this hoary chestnut of a tune please go here.

Y para la familia (subtitulado en francés y español) vayan aquí.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

A voter ... round 1

Between excitement and trepidation ... today's first round of the French presidential election. I voted just around noon (you can guess whom) and just now the tension has broken with the announcement that the next and final round will be between Ségolène Royan and Sarko (caramba!). Let's hope for the best (again you can guess) ... real change for real progress.

UPDATE: 9:22pm - It's, perhaps, going to be a long pre-election night. We're watching TV commentary with Alain (le Chinois Vert), Anne (our neighbor) and Marie (her friend).

UPDATE: 9:53 just saw Ségo speak at Melle (she's headed back to Paris tonight - maybe we'll go over there) and she was faultless. Very impressive and clearly "présidentiable"".

To close, don't forget that HE said:
"Segolene Royal is someone I've respected for a long time" -French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Les Compagnons du Devoir de Paris

We're invited to a post-baptism celebration here this afternoon. The Compagnons are a French organization of craftsmen and artisans dating from the Middle Ages, but still active today. Their traditional technical education techniques includes taking a tour, the Tour de France from the name, around France and being the apprentice of several competent masters. More info (in English) here.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Volem rien foutre al païs

Tonight we (with Anne C. and Fanchette, who tipped us to it) saw this film dealing with RMIsts who "live and work (not) otherwise". Very interesting, if choppy at times, documentary that was followed by a open debate with one of the film-makers.

Besides the film's link (above) you might want to learn more about: Dinero Gratis.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Art Friday

Had a lunch-time conversation with Myriam about Baumeister's Mauerbild mit Kreis (which she once owned) now on display at the Centre Pompidou.

Now we're off to the vernissage of our friend Gérard Omez at nearby Villa Adrienne.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


After a last visit to the Uzès market this morning (Wednesday's marché is much calmer than Saturday's) to get some olives and goat cheese, we stopped for a noonish farewell drink at Terroirs café - where we ran into Anne-Marie, Nadège and Victoria and a nice moment in the sunshine of the Midi. We missed seeing Nicolas (of la Gare fame) but he caught up with us at Jean-Yves' for lunch. Off soon to catch the TGV at Nîmes for Paris.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Who gives a ...

Excellent dinner at Le Phuket (the only Thai restaurant in Uzès).

Monday, March 26, 2007

Somewhere over the rainbow...

We're heading to St-André de Valborgne, a small village (375 inhabitants) up in the heart of the Cévennes, where Jean-Yves' friend, Sylvia, has bought a property (actually in the picture it is the rather big house at the (right) end of the rainbow). Just a quick round-trip (3 hours all told) to check things out.
Check out my profile!